Number PWL from 70,000 to 99,999. Number Combos: This zip has 6 password lists. Every 5 digit number combo, every 4 digit number combo and every 1-3 digit number combo. 4 Digits: Every 4 digit number combo. 5 Digits: Every 5 digit number combo. 6 Digits: Every 6 digit number combo. Click here to download this as one PWL. Comparing 2-digit Numbers using Base-10 Blocks. Learning everything in an instant is great, but it takes practice and hard work to pick up a new skill or expertise. Count the rods and units in each base-10 block and compare using, or = in these pdf worksheets on comparing 2-digit numbers using base-10 blocks.
You can scroll this chart sideways on mobile (and on desktop if necessary). It will print on an A4 sheet or as PDF. See also our 1-100 counting chart wallposter (download FREE). 10 Digit Numeric Wordlist Download Cheat 10 Digit Numeric Wordlist Download Free 1
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/Password Utilities Name Description List Assist Password list assistant. I assume this is a pwl list editor and creator. Newer version below. List Assist 2 Password list assistant. Pwl list editor and creator. Newer version below. List Assist 3 Password list assistant. Pwl list editor and creator. Raptor 1.46 VERSION 3 BELOW! Sick ass pwl editor and creator. Kill duplicates, filter for minimum and maximum password lengths, split a pwl into smaller fires, pwl creator and more! MUST HAVE. Raptor 3 The old one was a sick ass pwl editor and creator so definitely check this one out. Kill duplicates, filter for minimum and maximum password lengths, split a pwl into smaller fires, pwl creator and more! MUST HAVE. Password Generator Password generator. Options include 'Allow spaces, allow lower case, manipulator special characters, mingle numbers 0 to 9 and generate alphabets A to Z. Password Generator Password generator. Options include 'Allow spaces, allow lower case, manipulator special characters, mingle numbers 0 to 9 and generate alphabets A to Z.
/Common Name Description Size aciddr0p Common This should be a nice common PWL. 474KB aciddr0p SuperCommon This should be a nice common PWL. 562KB Commons.AIM 7KB common pwl. CommonNum.Lst 62kb common pwl. Mostly a 4 digit combo pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. Midgets Commons Some dude Midget's common password lists (2). A big and small one. 1kb and 13kb. [PWL.TXT] Common PWL Common PWL. 14KB. [Pwl 1] 40 Word Common 40 word common pwl. [PWL 2] Common This password list has 4-16 password lenghts A-Z 1-9. Example: 0000, 00000, 000000 and aaaa, aaaaa, aaaaaa. 6KB. Common-25 25 word password list. Common PWL Nice common password list. 4KB TXT file. [PWL 2] Common This password list has 4-16 password lenghts A-Z 1-9. Example: 0000, 00000, 000000 and aaaa, aaaaa, aaaaaa. 6KB. CommonNum.Lst 62kb common pwl. Mostly a 4 digit combo pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. Common-p Small ass common. 7KB Common Another small ass common. 6KB
/Numbers Name Description Size [PWL 2] Common This password list has 4-16 password lenghts A-Z 1-9. Example: 0000, 00000, 000000 and aaaa, aaaaa, aaaaaa. 6KB. Numbers 2 Number password list from 10,000 to 29,999. 137KB. Numbers 3 Number password list from 30,000 to 59,999. 206KB. Numbers 4 Number PWL from 60,000 to 69,999. 45KB text file. Numbers 5 Number PWL from 70,000 to 99,999. 65KB list. Number Combos This zip has 6 password lists. Every 5 digit number combo, every 4 digit number combo and every 1-3 digit number combo. 4 Digits Every 4 digit number combo. 5 Digits Every 5 digit number combo. 6 Digits Every 6 digit number combo. Click here to download this as one PWL. 10 Digits Mixed upper and lower case with numbers. Every 10 digit combo. This is between 500k and 1mill passwords. 9.15MB Numbers via WORDS Numbers one through one hundred in words. 11.2KB Numbers w/ Commas 1-100,000 with commas. Example: 5,000, 5,001, 5,002. 769KB
/Foreign Languages Name Description Size Meeco's German Someones personal German pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. 63KB Finnish Another language. 1,655KB Czech Czech words I think. 1,802KB Chinese Chinese list. Make sure you filter out all passwords under 4 characters. 5KB Danish Danish language. Bigger one below. 279KB Danish Danish language. 4,416KB Dutch Dutch langauge. 2,127 KB Polish Nice size Polish list. 1,106KB French French language. Bigger one below 1,625KB French 2 First names. Bigger one above. 1,965KB German 2 German language. 2,169KB German 3 German. 348KB Hungarian Hungarian list. 187KB Iliad 'Proper nouns from the Iliad.' Iliad is a greek poem/ 10KB Italian Italian list. 608KB Japanese Japanese list. 1,026KB Koran Koran is 'the sacred writings of Islam.' 21KB Latin Latin list. 906KB Norway (Names?) 'Generated from a list of 7385 usernames from computers in Norway.' Nice. 67KB Norwegia Norwegia pwl. 636KB Odyssey 'Proper nounes from the Odyssey.' The odyssey is one of two major Greek epic poems. Some random words in here too. 5KB Sindarin 'Sindarin is an artificial language developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age.' 6KB Swahili Swahili language. 196KB Spanish Spanish list. 915KB Swedish Swedish words. 115KB Turkey Turkish words, could be phrases/people too, no idea. 238KB Yiddish/Yinglish German. 'Yiddish and Yinglish words and phrases, from memory (although really we should have used Leo Rosten's 'The Joy of Yiddish')' 1KB
/Names Name Description Size Famous Various famous people. 'From Bob Baldwin's collection from MIT.' 5KB Colleges Just Oxford colleges I think. 2KB Names A common pwl mostly made up of peoples names. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. Last Names I think this is last names. 452KB Last Names I think this is last names. 452KB Virus Names Computer virus names. 2KB First Names First names. 18KB Female Names Female names from a lot of languages. 40KB Finnish First Names Finnish language first names. 6KB Hindu Names Hindu names. 7KB First Names First names. 18KB Male Names Male names from a lot of different languages. Nice. 30KB Actor Surnames Surnames of actors. 163KB Actors Actor names. 68KB Anglo Saxon Surnames Common Anglo-Saxon surnames. From Bob Baldwins collection from MIT. 2KB Chinese Names Small chinese name list. 2KB First Names Nice first name list, definitely worth grabbing. 18KB Last Names Not sure looks like it might be common/somewhat common last names. 118KB Female Names Female first names. 40KB French Female Names I think this is French female first names; it could be last names too. 6KB Norway (Names?) 'Generated from a list of 7385 usernames from computers in Norway.' Nice. 67KB Names Names from everywhere both male and female. 47KB Statisticians Surnames Surnames of statisticians. Smaller one below 344KB Statician Names 'Given names of statisticians. 78KB Last Names Last names. 100KB Last Names Common last names. Could be a little bit bigger but nice. 2KB Swedish Names Swedish names. 220KB Names Another name list. 228KB
/Fictional, TV, Movies Name Description Size Movie Characters Movie characters. 221KB TV/Movie Characters Idk I see alot of what appears to be random words in here. Think its TV and movie characters too though, check it out. 358KB Movies Nice. Movie titles, authors and characters. 2KB Movies 2 Always looks like a lot of or mostly random BS but maybe I just dont recognize the stuff in it? Don't think thats it though. 328KB Music ! I think this is the best music PWL on here out of ...5? is it? Might want to remove spaces though with Raptor. 175KB Cartoons/Comic Books 'A collection of characters and titles from comic books' 2KB Cartoons/Comics 'Comic strips from Douglas Krause's files at UCI.' 3KB Legends of Charlemagne 'Proper nouns from Bulfinch's Age of Fable: Legends of Charlemagne' 5KB Legends of King Arthur Proper nouns from Bulfinch's Age of Fable: Legends of King Arthur. 9KB Famous Various famous people. 'From Bob Baldwin's collection from MIT.' 5KB Bulfinch's Age of Fable Proper nouns from Bulfinch's Age of Fable: Classic myths. 13KB Myths Legends Beasts and characters fomr ADD games, Bulfinches Mythology and 'A dictionary of Fabulous Beasts.' Nice I think. 13KB Science Fiction Science fiction characters, authors and books. 8KB Tolkien J. R. R. Tolkien related words/people, not sure exactly. 5KB Sindarin 'Sindarin is an artificial language developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age.' 6KB
/Alphabet Name Description Size A 'A' words password list. 30KB B 'B' words password list. 22KB C 'C' words password list. 27KB D 'D' words password list. 27KB. 27KB E 'E' words password list. 16KB F 'F' words password list. 16KB G 'G' words password list. 14KB H 'H' words password list. 16KB I 'I' words password list. 11KB J 'J' words password list. 11KB K 'K' words password list. 9KB L 'L' words password list. 14KB M 'M' words password list. 19KB N Small 'N' words password list. 1KB O Small 'O' words password list. 1KB P Small 'P' words password list. 2KB Q Small 'Q' words password list. 1KB R Small 'R' words password list. 1KB S Small 'S' words password list. 2KB T Small 'T' words password list. 1KB U Small 'U' words password list. 1KB V Small 'V' words password list. 1KB W Small 'W' words password list. 1KB X Small 'X' words password list. 1KB Y Small 'Y' words password list. 1KB Z Small 'Z' words password list. 1KB
/Misc Name Description Pwl's 43 password lists including peoples personal lists they gave out, unix related, german, 'all words,' dogs, peoples names, common(s), and a 6k, 30k, 23k and 32k. Websters Dictionary Websters dictionary in PWL form broken into 9 password lists not including 3 for 'obscure terms.' Cracklib Nice size password list. 15,944KB Mat/Slashes 999k Nice big ass list with duplicates deleted. 5.72MB Mat/Slashes This is IT Nice big ass list with duplicates deleted. 1.47MB Ultimate PWL Big ass list. 25.9MB Characters , !, @, etc. 4-16 character passwords all symbols. Visual Basic Small Visual Basic related pwl. THC's PWL Some dude THC's pwl. 709KB Hunts List [Removed] Removed as requested by Hunter. 6000 6000 word password list. 23000 23,000 word password list. 30,000 30,000 word password list. 32,044 32,044 word password list. 65,536 65,536 words. Pwl Looks nice. 453KB Pwl 2 Looks nice. 246KB Pwl 3 I'd use it. 12KB Pwl 4 I'd use this too. 12KB Unix Unix related password list pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. Dogs Dog pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. Abbreviations Short abbreviation pwl. HTML HTML filled PWL. 33KB. Colors (Lowercase) 2KB lowercase colors pwl. Colors (Uppercase) 2KB uppercase colors pwl. Countries Countries pwl. L33t Pwl with 'leet' words in it I guess? US States US states pwl. 10 Character Random 54kb 10 character passwords only. Looks like a random 10 chr pwl. 16 Character Random Looks like same deal as above but with 16 character passwords. 92KB text file. 4 Character Random Same deal as above with 4 character passwords. Small ass list...2KB. No idea why. 5 Character Random Again no idea why...small ass 3kb random 5 character list. 6 Character Random Small ass random 6 character pwl. 2KB. 8 Character Random Random 8 character list. 31KB. 9 Character Random Small 9 character random password list . 4KB. Other PWL 1 Password list. 187KB. Other PWL 2+3 PWL. 31KB. Other PWL 4 PWL. 6KB. Other PWL 5 PWL. 65KB. Acr Index Acr Index of Pathology Codes. 33KB. 32KB Acr Index Acr Index of Pathology Codes. 33KB. 32KB Aeneid Nouns Looks like an OK list. Not sure about the above one. Proper nouns from the Aeneid (plus a little more). 12KB Alage Algae. 32KB All Words 'All words.' I see all 4 number digit combo's too. 467KB Asteroids Asteroid names. 32KB Bacteria 'Some bacteria.' 88KB Biology Biologic terms. 1KB Virus Names Computer virus names. 2KB Dog Dog related terms. 3KB Drugs Drug terms. 21KB Congress Idk why this is called congress, it looks like a bunch of names. Maybe its people that are/were part of congress? 6KB English Nice little english language list. Bigger one below 520KB English 2 English words. 4,787KB Etc Hosts 'The /etc/hosts file, with some severe hacking done to it.' No idea. 116KB Ethnolog N/A 343KB Famous Various famous people. 'From Bob Baldwin's collection from MIT.' 5KB Fungi Fungi. 158KB Hosts Not sure. Common host names? 'The /etc/hosts file, with some severe hacking done to it.' 116KB Hosts Not sure. Common host names? 158KB Inet Mac 'Internet hostnames used more than once, without digit, _, -' 395KB Junk Junk words? Wtf? 72KB King James Bible No idea why I'm posting this. 'From the on-line version of the King James bible, acquired by doing: 'cat KJbible/* tr -cs A-Za-z '012' tr A-Z a-z sort uniq' 117KB Decent List Looks like a decent list. 20KB Literature Literature. 143KB Microalg Some microalgae. 8KB Misc Dictionary Misc random dictionary words with names 3,649KB Music The list itself states 'From a CD catalog. Artists, composers, groups, record labels, etc.' I think I'd go with 'Music !.' 180KB Music 2 Looks like the same shit just smaller than the one above. With how...broad? the pwl above looks, I'd check this one out I think if either. Id go with 'Music !' 22KB Music 3 This one looks better than the above 2 lets see if I can find better. Id go with this one or 'Music !' 60KB Music 4 I'd go with this one or 'Music !' 17KB Music 5 Might be your best bet depending on the speed of your cracker if you need music related. 'Music !' might definitely be better. 584KB Norway (Names?) 'Generated from a list of 7385 usernames from computers in Norway.' Nice. 67KB Norse I'm pretty sure this is words related to Mythology again. 4KB Numbers(words also)/Birthdates Nice list. All of th numbers from 1-100 in digits and words as well as a bunch of 'likely birth years.' 4KB Oz Looks like it might have been a decent list so I added it. Just random words. 16KB Phrases 'All manner of quick sayings and phrases and easy to type/common passwords.' Looks like it might be nice. 10KB Places Locations and cities as well as terms to describe their citizens (i.e. spain, spanish, spaniard). 7KB Places 2 Nice size list of countries and so forth. 264KB Python Looked like an okay list and it was perfectly sized for VB crackers so I added it. 32KB Random Random password list. 811KB Religion Religions list. 127KB Russian/Alt Codes All 'alt codes.' 314KB Science Scientific words/people. 382KB Science Nice size list of countries and so forth. 264KB Shakespeare/Complete Moby 'Cast of characters from The Complete Moby Shakespeare.' 3KB Shakespeare 2? 'A list of both dramatis personae and locations from the collected works of the Bard.' 7KB Sindarin 'Sindarin is an artificial language developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age.' 6KB Sports 'Sports, slang, teams and devices.' 3KB Technical Words 'from a technical dictionary.' 62KB Tolkien J. R. R. Tolkien related words/people, not sure exactly. 5KB Turkey Turkish words, could be phrases/people too, no idea. 238KB US Counties US county list. 15KB US Cities/Towns/Places Looks like a bunch of towns/cities, might be counties and stuff too, check it out. 165KB Usenet 'From usenet address list.' 813KB Usenet 2 'From usenet address list.' 367KB Usenet 3 'From usenet address list.' 995KB Uunet Looks like a nice password list. Says its from 19KB
Copyright [C] 2009 aciddr0p mat aka slash
You can scroll this chart sideways on mobile (and on desktop if necessary). It will print on an A4 sheet or as PDF. See also our 1-100 counting chart wallposter (download FREE). 10 Digit Numeric Wordlist Download Cheat 10 Digit Numeric Wordlist Download Free 1
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Password Lists Tools
/Password Utilities Name Description List Assist Password list assistant. I assume this is a pwl list editor and creator. Newer version below. List Assist 2 Password list assistant. Pwl list editor and creator. Newer version below. List Assist 3 Password list assistant. Pwl list editor and creator. Raptor 1.46 VERSION 3 BELOW! Sick ass pwl editor and creator. Kill duplicates, filter for minimum and maximum password lengths, split a pwl into smaller fires, pwl creator and more! MUST HAVE. Raptor 3 The old one was a sick ass pwl editor and creator so definitely check this one out. Kill duplicates, filter for minimum and maximum password lengths, split a pwl into smaller fires, pwl creator and more! MUST HAVE. Password Generator Password generator. Options include 'Allow spaces, allow lower case, manipulator special characters, mingle numbers 0 to 9 and generate alphabets A to Z. Password Generator Password generator. Options include 'Allow spaces, allow lower case, manipulator special characters, mingle numbers 0 to 9 and generate alphabets A to Z.
/Common Name Description Size aciddr0p Common This should be a nice common PWL. 474KB aciddr0p SuperCommon This should be a nice common PWL. 562KB Commons.AIM 7KB common pwl. CommonNum.Lst 62kb common pwl. Mostly a 4 digit combo pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. Midgets Commons Some dude Midget's common password lists (2). A big and small one. 1kb and 13kb. [PWL.TXT] Common PWL Common PWL. 14KB. [Pwl 1] 40 Word Common 40 word common pwl. [PWL 2] Common This password list has 4-16 password lenghts A-Z 1-9. Example: 0000, 00000, 000000 and aaaa, aaaaa, aaaaaa. 6KB. Common-25 25 word password list. Common PWL Nice common password list. 4KB TXT file. [PWL 2] Common This password list has 4-16 password lenghts A-Z 1-9. Example: 0000, 00000, 000000 and aaaa, aaaaa, aaaaaa. 6KB. CommonNum.Lst 62kb common pwl. Mostly a 4 digit combo pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. Common-p Small ass common. 7KB Common Another small ass common. 6KB
/Numbers Name Description Size [PWL 2] Common This password list has 4-16 password lenghts A-Z 1-9. Example: 0000, 00000, 000000 and aaaa, aaaaa, aaaaaa. 6KB. Numbers 2 Number password list from 10,000 to 29,999. 137KB. Numbers 3 Number password list from 30,000 to 59,999. 206KB. Numbers 4 Number PWL from 60,000 to 69,999. 45KB text file. Numbers 5 Number PWL from 70,000 to 99,999. 65KB list. Number Combos This zip has 6 password lists. Every 5 digit number combo, every 4 digit number combo and every 1-3 digit number combo. 4 Digits Every 4 digit number combo. 5 Digits Every 5 digit number combo. 6 Digits Every 6 digit number combo. Click here to download this as one PWL. 10 Digits Mixed upper and lower case with numbers. Every 10 digit combo. This is between 500k and 1mill passwords. 9.15MB Numbers via WORDS Numbers one through one hundred in words. 11.2KB Numbers w/ Commas 1-100,000 with commas. Example: 5,000, 5,001, 5,002. 769KB
/Foreign Languages Name Description Size Meeco's German Someones personal German pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. 63KB Finnish Another language. 1,655KB Czech Czech words I think. 1,802KB Chinese Chinese list. Make sure you filter out all passwords under 4 characters. 5KB Danish Danish language. Bigger one below. 279KB Danish Danish language. 4,416KB Dutch Dutch langauge. 2,127 KB Polish Nice size Polish list. 1,106KB French French language. Bigger one below 1,625KB French 2 First names. Bigger one above. 1,965KB German 2 German language. 2,169KB German 3 German. 348KB Hungarian Hungarian list. 187KB Iliad 'Proper nouns from the Iliad.' Iliad is a greek poem/ 10KB Italian Italian list. 608KB Japanese Japanese list. 1,026KB Koran Koran is 'the sacred writings of Islam.' 21KB Latin Latin list. 906KB Norway (Names?) 'Generated from a list of 7385 usernames from computers in Norway.' Nice. 67KB Norwegia Norwegia pwl. 636KB Odyssey 'Proper nounes from the Odyssey.' The odyssey is one of two major Greek epic poems. Some random words in here too. 5KB Sindarin 'Sindarin is an artificial language developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age.' 6KB Swahili Swahili language. 196KB Spanish Spanish list. 915KB Swedish Swedish words. 115KB Turkey Turkish words, could be phrases/people too, no idea. 238KB Yiddish/Yinglish German. 'Yiddish and Yinglish words and phrases, from memory (although really we should have used Leo Rosten's 'The Joy of Yiddish')' 1KB
/Names Name Description Size Famous Various famous people. 'From Bob Baldwin's collection from MIT.' 5KB Colleges Just Oxford colleges I think. 2KB Names A common pwl mostly made up of peoples names. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. Last Names I think this is last names. 452KB Last Names I think this is last names. 452KB Virus Names Computer virus names. 2KB First Names First names. 18KB Female Names Female names from a lot of languages. 40KB Finnish First Names Finnish language first names. 6KB Hindu Names Hindu names. 7KB First Names First names. 18KB Male Names Male names from a lot of different languages. Nice. 30KB Actor Surnames Surnames of actors. 163KB Actors Actor names. 68KB Anglo Saxon Surnames Common Anglo-Saxon surnames. From Bob Baldwins collection from MIT. 2KB Chinese Names Small chinese name list. 2KB First Names Nice first name list, definitely worth grabbing. 18KB Last Names Not sure looks like it might be common/somewhat common last names. 118KB Female Names Female first names. 40KB French Female Names I think this is French female first names; it could be last names too. 6KB Norway (Names?) 'Generated from a list of 7385 usernames from computers in Norway.' Nice. 67KB Names Names from everywhere both male and female. 47KB Statisticians Surnames Surnames of statisticians. Smaller one below 344KB Statician Names 'Given names of statisticians. 78KB Last Names Last names. 100KB Last Names Common last names. Could be a little bit bigger but nice. 2KB Swedish Names Swedish names. 220KB Names Another name list. 228KB
/Fictional, TV, Movies Name Description Size Movie Characters Movie characters. 221KB TV/Movie Characters Idk I see alot of what appears to be random words in here. Think its TV and movie characters too though, check it out. 358KB Movies Nice. Movie titles, authors and characters. 2KB Movies 2 Always looks like a lot of or mostly random BS but maybe I just dont recognize the stuff in it? Don't think thats it though. 328KB Music ! I think this is the best music PWL on here out of ...5? is it? Might want to remove spaces though with Raptor. 175KB Cartoons/Comic Books 'A collection of characters and titles from comic books' 2KB Cartoons/Comics 'Comic strips from Douglas Krause's files at UCI.' 3KB Legends of Charlemagne 'Proper nouns from Bulfinch's Age of Fable: Legends of Charlemagne' 5KB Legends of King Arthur Proper nouns from Bulfinch's Age of Fable: Legends of King Arthur. 9KB Famous Various famous people. 'From Bob Baldwin's collection from MIT.' 5KB Bulfinch's Age of Fable Proper nouns from Bulfinch's Age of Fable: Classic myths. 13KB Myths Legends Beasts and characters fomr ADD games, Bulfinches Mythology and 'A dictionary of Fabulous Beasts.' Nice I think. 13KB Science Fiction Science fiction characters, authors and books. 8KB Tolkien J. R. R. Tolkien related words/people, not sure exactly. 5KB Sindarin 'Sindarin is an artificial language developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age.' 6KB
/Alphabet Name Description Size A 'A' words password list. 30KB B 'B' words password list. 22KB C 'C' words password list. 27KB D 'D' words password list. 27KB. 27KB E 'E' words password list. 16KB F 'F' words password list. 16KB G 'G' words password list. 14KB H 'H' words password list. 16KB I 'I' words password list. 11KB J 'J' words password list. 11KB K 'K' words password list. 9KB L 'L' words password list. 14KB M 'M' words password list. 19KB N Small 'N' words password list. 1KB O Small 'O' words password list. 1KB P Small 'P' words password list. 2KB Q Small 'Q' words password list. 1KB R Small 'R' words password list. 1KB S Small 'S' words password list. 2KB T Small 'T' words password list. 1KB U Small 'U' words password list. 1KB V Small 'V' words password list. 1KB W Small 'W' words password list. 1KB X Small 'X' words password list. 1KB Y Small 'Y' words password list. 1KB Z Small 'Z' words password list. 1KB
/Misc Name Description Pwl's 43 password lists including peoples personal lists they gave out, unix related, german, 'all words,' dogs, peoples names, common(s), and a 6k, 30k, 23k and 32k. Websters Dictionary Websters dictionary in PWL form broken into 9 password lists not including 3 for 'obscure terms.' Cracklib Nice size password list. 15,944KB Mat/Slashes 999k Nice big ass list with duplicates deleted. 5.72MB Mat/Slashes This is IT Nice big ass list with duplicates deleted. 1.47MB Ultimate PWL Big ass list. 25.9MB Characters , !, @, etc. 4-16 character passwords all symbols. Visual Basic Small Visual Basic related pwl. THC's PWL Some dude THC's pwl. 709KB Hunts List [Removed] Removed as requested by Hunter. 6000 6000 word password list. 23000 23,000 word password list. 30,000 30,000 word password list. 32,044 32,044 word password list. 65,536 65,536 words. Pwl Looks nice. 453KB Pwl 2 Looks nice. 246KB Pwl 3 I'd use it. 12KB Pwl 4 I'd use this too. 12KB Unix Unix related password list pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. Dogs Dog pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. Abbreviations Short abbreviation pwl. HTML HTML filled PWL. 33KB. Colors (Lowercase) 2KB lowercase colors pwl. Colors (Uppercase) 2KB uppercase colors pwl. Countries Countries pwl. L33t Pwl with 'leet' words in it I guess? US States US states pwl. 10 Character Random 54kb 10 character passwords only. Looks like a random 10 chr pwl. 16 Character Random Looks like same deal as above but with 16 character passwords. 92KB text file. 4 Character Random Same deal as above with 4 character passwords. Small ass list...2KB. No idea why. 5 Character Random Again no idea why...small ass 3kb random 5 character list. 6 Character Random Small ass random 6 character pwl. 2KB. 8 Character Random Random 8 character list. 31KB. 9 Character Random Small 9 character random password list . 4KB. Other PWL 1 Password list. 187KB. Other PWL 2+3 PWL. 31KB. Other PWL 4 PWL. 6KB. Other PWL 5 PWL. 65KB. Acr Index Acr Index of Pathology Codes. 33KB. 32KB Acr Index Acr Index of Pathology Codes. 33KB. 32KB Aeneid Nouns Looks like an OK list. Not sure about the above one. Proper nouns from the Aeneid (plus a little more). 12KB Alage Algae. 32KB All Words 'All words.' I see all 4 number digit combo's too. 467KB Asteroids Asteroid names. 32KB Bacteria 'Some bacteria.' 88KB Biology Biologic terms. 1KB Virus Names Computer virus names. 2KB Dog Dog related terms. 3KB Drugs Drug terms. 21KB Congress Idk why this is called congress, it looks like a bunch of names. Maybe its people that are/were part of congress? 6KB English Nice little english language list. Bigger one below 520KB English 2 English words. 4,787KB Etc Hosts 'The /etc/hosts file, with some severe hacking done to it.' No idea. 116KB Ethnolog N/A 343KB Famous Various famous people. 'From Bob Baldwin's collection from MIT.' 5KB Fungi Fungi. 158KB Hosts Not sure. Common host names? 'The /etc/hosts file, with some severe hacking done to it.' 116KB Hosts Not sure. Common host names? 158KB Inet Mac 'Internet hostnames used more than once, without digit, _, -' 395KB Junk Junk words? Wtf? 72KB King James Bible No idea why I'm posting this. 'From the on-line version of the King James bible, acquired by doing: 'cat KJbible/* tr -cs A-Za-z '012' tr A-Z a-z sort uniq' 117KB Decent List Looks like a decent list. 20KB Literature Literature. 143KB Microalg Some microalgae. 8KB Misc Dictionary Misc random dictionary words with names 3,649KB Music The list itself states 'From a CD catalog. Artists, composers, groups, record labels, etc.' I think I'd go with 'Music !.' 180KB Music 2 Looks like the same shit just smaller than the one above. With how...broad? the pwl above looks, I'd check this one out I think if either. Id go with 'Music !' 22KB Music 3 This one looks better than the above 2 lets see if I can find better. Id go with this one or 'Music !' 60KB Music 4 I'd go with this one or 'Music !' 17KB Music 5 Might be your best bet depending on the speed of your cracker if you need music related. 'Music !' might definitely be better. 584KB Norway (Names?) 'Generated from a list of 7385 usernames from computers in Norway.' Nice. 67KB Norse I'm pretty sure this is words related to Mythology again. 4KB Numbers(words also)/Birthdates Nice list. All of th numbers from 1-100 in digits and words as well as a bunch of 'likely birth years.' 4KB Oz Looks like it might have been a decent list so I added it. Just random words. 16KB Phrases 'All manner of quick sayings and phrases and easy to type/common passwords.' Looks like it might be nice. 10KB Places Locations and cities as well as terms to describe their citizens (i.e. spain, spanish, spaniard). 7KB Places 2 Nice size list of countries and so forth. 264KB Python Looked like an okay list and it was perfectly sized for VB crackers so I added it. 32KB Random Random password list. 811KB Religion Religions list. 127KB Russian/Alt Codes All 'alt codes.' 314KB Science Scientific words/people. 382KB Science Nice size list of countries and so forth. 264KB Shakespeare/Complete Moby 'Cast of characters from The Complete Moby Shakespeare.' 3KB Shakespeare 2? 'A list of both dramatis personae and locations from the collected works of the Bard.' 7KB Sindarin 'Sindarin is an artificial language developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age.' 6KB Sports 'Sports, slang, teams and devices.' 3KB Technical Words 'from a technical dictionary.' 62KB Tolkien J. R. R. Tolkien related words/people, not sure exactly. 5KB Turkey Turkish words, could be phrases/people too, no idea. 238KB US Counties US county list. 15KB US Cities/Towns/Places Looks like a bunch of towns/cities, might be counties and stuff too, check it out. 165KB Usenet 'From usenet address list.' 813KB Usenet 2 'From usenet address list.' 367KB Usenet 3 'From usenet address list.' 995KB Uunet Looks like a nice password list. Says its from 19KB
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